I love my mom.
I love her for many reasons, but as of right now, my top reason is how she sends me handmade cards filled with piles of coupons.
When I was young, I very clearly remember couponing with my mom. I thought it was so fun cutting out all of the things that I thought looked good! Needless to say, we always had coupons for cookies and ice cream.
Now I don't know if couponing came with motherhood, but once I got pregnant, I found comfort in clipping out these old money-saving friends. Unfortunately, once I started working full time, my printer broke and my couponing days took a very sad halt. But mom to the rescue! It's like she had a sixth sense for knowing I hadn't been couponing and she started sending me hers! :] That's real love, folks. Pre-clipped coupons in the mail is real motherly love.
Speaking of my adorable mother, she has recently become a published author! As a new parent, I was always sad that there weren't more children's books to help me teach my child about his Filipino culture. Apparently my mother felt the same as a new grandmother, and took it upon herself to create something! As a former educator, she is taking what she knows and currently working on a series of multicultural books catered to the Filipino-American community. I don't know if she realizes, but this is definitely a helpful step to keeping future generations of Filipino Americans in touch with their roots.
Buy your own copy here!