Monday, September 29, 2014

night game.

I have to admit something to you guys.
I am from Southern California and I am a Giants fan.

Apparently this makes me a traitor. While we're on the subject, I've never been a Lakers fan either. Sorry folks! My entire family is comprised of die-hard Dodger/Laker fans so it's been a pretty tough thing to accept. (No, seriously. I used to go to church services where we would pray, as a church, that the Lakers would play well and win.) But here's my thing: I didn't change allegiance along with my zip code, I just never really liked the Dodgers or the Lakers. So I don't think that counts as a traitor-like behavior. Perhaps I was just never a good So-Calian. Meh.

I will admit that my love for all teams Bay Area (Giants, Warriors, and 49ers) truly stemmed from my time with Mark. I was never a huge pro-sports fan (I used to watch a lot of college football for a while) until we got together and I will most definitely attribute it to his "all SportsCenter all the time" addiction. It is literally the first thing he watches in the morning and last thing he watches at night. So after some time of 24 hours sports coverage, you start to pick up on a few things.

So anyway, here we are, a Giants fan couple that has passed on the Giants fan-ness to our son. Makai has been to a couple day games already, but Friday night was his first night game! And boy, oh boy, was he excited.

Although the Dodgers clinched the division, we thought we'd enjoy ourselves a night game with some family to see if the Giants could make it to the playoffs. Normally, Makai's bedtime routine starts at 8pm, but this game started at 7:15pm, so we were in for a long night! We figured it was worth it since Krish's son Khalil was coming too, so we felt like it was worth the bonding time. (I told you! Sometimes you gotta break the rules!)

It also happened to be Khalil's VERY FIRST Giants game! So it was kind of nice that we all got to share that with him.

So I don't know about all the other kids out there, but when Makai is too tired, he either gets really loopy or he gets crazy mad. Luckily, this night was a loopy kind of night. At one point, when everyone was quiet, Makai kept screaming "GIIAAANNTTSS!! GOOO GIIANNNTTSS!!" It was pretty stinkin' cute. He could definitely feel the vibe out in the bleachers, clapping, cheering, and high-fiving like a pro. 

It was a beautiful night, a great game, and super fun bonding time. Ultimate success.

To end the night, the Giants won and Makai knocked out the second we drove out of the parking lot. PERFECT.

OH! And did you notice the new URL? YAY! It's official!

Giants home jersey - gift
white thermal - Old Navy
Giants hoodie - gift
Marled beanie - Shawn White at Target (available here)
Slim fit jeans - Levi's fit 511 (available here)
Nike Diamond Turf shoes - gift (available here)

Hat - Giants Dugout
Orange/black/grey flannel - Banana Republic
Sleeveless Hoodie - no idea. (but similar here)
Skinny jeans - Gap
Nike Blazers - old (similar here)

Giants baseball tee - JCPenny (but I should have worn this)
High waisted skinny jeans - Gap
Shoes - Converse

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