Let me tell you, I LOVES me a good romper! Except when I have to use the bathroom, then it's a nightmare. The idea of getting half undressed in a stall is just not that glamorous. But at least I feel cute at all other moments! :]

As I sat and had lunch with a couple of coworkers today, we found ourselves having some typical girl talk (dating, men, etc.). At some point, as they discussed their recent dating history, I found myself with very little to contribute. haha. But while we were finishing up, I noticed a couple people outside eating lunch by themselves and enjoying the view. I envied them a little as I thought about my unwavering fear of eating by myself out in public. I don't know exactly what it is, but I find the idea terrifying. Really, anything recreational that involves meandering or moseying I can't really do by myself. I am completely aware that this is a personal problem and that people do it all the time without dying or being made fun of. In fact, I hear that it's a little liberating and probably very healthy for your mental/emotional well being. Perhaps it's the youngest child in me? I'm just used to always having people around? Who really knows? What I can tell you is that now that Makai is in the picture, I am almost never alone anymore. While I don't know if I'm ready to go to a restaurant and ask for a table for 1, I do find myself with a new yearning for alone time once and a while. I look forward to the time when Makai is asleep in bed and Mark is out playing basketball all night with his friends. It's the only time I get to watch some admittedly TERRIBLE terrible television, bust out my mani pedi set, and put on a facial mask. Mark and I have been together for over 5 years now... but I'm still not trying to look like The Swamp Thing in front of him. Unshaved legs and a scrunchie? ALL DAY. Swamp thing? No.
A topic I've been thinking about a lot lately is "mommy guilt." Because really, I should probably be having a little more alone time then the couple hours late at night at home with the kid in bed (which isn't actually alone). But something about my mom guilt makes that difficult for me to do. Now that I am working so much more, I feel like any of my spare time should be spent with the kiddo or my partner. It's true to an extent, but I need to remember that I should by added to my own list. I need to spend time with Mark, Makai, and myself. I know I'm not good at it, but I think it's something I should work on. I need to shed the guilt and figure out how to have some me time, even if it was just more time at the gym (which we can all agree I need). Or maybe I'll pretend that I need to schedule a regular Mani-Pedi every month or so. It's for my own well-being, right? :]
In the mean time, I do really enjoy always having a little partner in crime!
Black roll-sleeve romper - Ann Taylor Loft (available here)
Shoes - Shoedazzle
Black graphic tee - Old Navy
Skinny jeans - Old Navy
Nike Free 5.0 - Nordstrom Rack
I wore a romper for the first time this weekend! it went well, I think. lol move here then you'll never have to do things alone! :D